Sunday, October 26, 2008

Forms of Martial Arts

Martial Arts come in different forms and they are not only confined to Kung-fu or Taekwondo, which is popularized a lot in television and the movies. You would be surprised to know that certain forms of fighting are also called martial arts. To learn and practice martial arts, one should be well equipped with the proper supplies.
Martial arts have different origins. The term “Martial” is derived from the Roman god of war named “Mars”. Martial Arts simply mean “the art of war”. Although most people think that martial arts only came from the Asian cultures, it is also found in America and Europe. Martial arts feature a type of combat system that has codes within a single objective of physically defeating a person.

Aside from this, it is mainly used for self-defense against any bodily harm. Some martial arts techniques are actually based on a spiritual or religious philosophy such as Aikido and Judo. This is while others base it on a certain code of honor such as fencing. Hence, martial arts techniques are being practiced as a form of combat sports and some in the form of dance.
Thus, regardless of where the art originated, they have similarities with one another. Each style has a systematized fighting style. They even have forms and routines when they do sparring, which is practiced either alone or with a partner. Martial arts are grouped in a way that each style will focus on a certain area.
Below is a list of samples for each group:Grappling• Throwing – Judo, Jujutsu, Sambo• Joint Lock – Aikido, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Hapkido • Pinning Techniques – Wrestling, Judo
Striking• Punching – Boxing (Western style), Wing Chun• Kicking – Capoeira, Savate, Taekwondo• Other Strikes – Muay thai, Karate, Shaolin Kung Fu
Weapons• Traditional Weaponry – Fencing, Gatka, Kendo, Kali• Modern Weaponry – Eskrima, Jogo do pau, JukendoFor some, most of the styles are well known as a form of Martial Arts technique and only a few would know that boxing and fencing is also categorized as such. At present, most styles of martial arts are being used as combat sports. For the others, they are used in military or police training as a form of self-defense.
Hence, Tae Kwon Do, fencing, boxing, and wrestling are events in the summer Olympics. This is while other martial arts such as Wushu of China and Muay Thai have tournaments held around the world. Aside from this, there are also those, which are regarded both as a form of dance and as a type of Martial Art. Good examples would include the Capoeira of Brazil, Yolah of Oman/UAE, and Buza from Russia.

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